Ulf looks down as the wind rocks the small platform that we
are standing on.

Ulf Tideman, Skanska, mounting one of the 24 karat gold crowns
60 meters above the palace yard at the Castle of Kalmar.

Today I have some severe muscle soreness. In just one of my thighs! Why? Yesterday I went up I dont know how many stairs to photograph Ulf Tideman mounting one of the golden crowns on top of The Caslte of Kalmar. 197 feet above the palace yard, thats 60 meters. Oh yeah, it wobbled quite a bit up there.
Well, we went up in an elevator half the way up, but still, there was a few stairs to, I promise...
As I said before, 60 meters on the outside of the tower the wind rocked the aluminium working plattform we stood on, the snow whipped our faces. My collegue, who stayed on a plattform halv the way up, was really small down there. I had fever when I went up so I became windy allmost immediate and maybe the fever caused the muscle soreness?
Untrained? No, how could that be the case, I was once jogging like one kilometer...hmf.
If I´ve knowned that we were going up the tower I would brought me my 10-22mm along with me, but it´s easy to be afterwise. Isn´t it?
By the way! If you have not allready seen it, check out Magnum´s multimedia-piece about wars.
Watch it here.
Bye for now, time for some sleep.
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