The twenty-sixth of December it´s time for the big sales event as we all know. The ladies goes wild and the men usually hide in the garage fixing an old car or something, generelly speaking that is.
Suddenly its anarchy in the shops, folks tearing and tossing the clothes in the shelves.
Well, here´s two friends who just watches the kaos from outside.
I am not a fan of church choir events but last week I attended on such an event and It was really powerful. I had placed myself (with permission of course) on the upper ledge where the organist sits. From up there I had a nice overlook and I could work with the 300 and 70-200 to get some closer shots. Unluckily for me there was a huge electric candelabra or lamp of some kind, i hanging in a 26 foot (?) long chain or something like that, but I think I got it anyway considering that I had 25 minutes to work with. Heres some pics from the event were the Kalmar Cathedral Choir performing Johan Sebastian Bachs Cristmas Oratorium together with Camerata Nordica in Kalmar Cathedral.
OK, we have now solved the "situation" with the bylines (or credits). As we photographers suggested the credits under the pictures now is edited like this:
New pics: Photo: Mattias Johansson
Older pics: Archivephoto: Mattias Johansson
Now its time for christmas so I am taking time off from the blogging for a few days, I think...
Jo, det är sant. Tidningen jag jobbar på skickade idag ut ett mail att de har avskaffat bylinen under bilder som är äldre än ett år samt att pensionerade, sjukskrivna och bortgågna fotografer inte skall få sitt namn publicerat under sina bilder. Va? Jag trodde inte mina ögon då jag läste mailet. Sedan startade en omständig diskussion som inte är över ännu. Jag återkommer då allt är löst.
Det märkliga i detta är att det är journalister som kommit med förslaget.
Enligt dem skulle detta underlätta för vikarier som inte vet vilka av fotograferna som jobbar och inte. ? Skulle det spela någon roll? Alla fotografer skall väl ha sin byline i tidningen.
Eller? Har jag fel? Vad tycker Ni?
In English
You know what?
The newspaper I work at today revealed that they want to exclude the credits (byline) under old (more than one year old) pictures in booth the paper and on the website. It also consern photographers that are on the sick-list and photographers that left the paper (due to pension, death or other work), They should not have there names under there pictures, my newspaper claims. The irony in this is that its journalists that has decided this. Strange I think.
Am I wrong?
Is this even legal I wonder? No, in Sweden it´s unlegal I think. Anyone?
My collegue Karl Nilsson called me today (i´m on parental leave for a few more days) and reminded me to send him a picture I liked, to be hung in our office. Offcourse I had forgotten and in a hurry between dinnerplans and dipers and eating my lunch I digged up this picture.
It´s the one and only Ozzy Osbourne, photographed at his gig at Hultsfredsfestivalen 2007.
It was a really wet show, the crazy old rocker had waterhoses on the stage and offcourse he saw the fun in shooting at us with the firehoses. I was soaking wet and I remember that Sven Lindvall (Expressen) and I dived down under the catwalk that was attached to the stage, but Ozzy just kept flushing us, and not just one time, he did it again and again... But now its a good laugh.
The rock super-group Led Zeppelin is now back together, once again playing there amazing songs. Time magazine has done an audio slideshow about the Zeppelins. It seems toload a bit slowly but it´s worth it, if you love there music anyway.
Here is the slideshow
Welcome to my new blog, I didn´t like the old template so I´ve created a new one here on
I dont manage to publish all my old entries on this blog so I will just link to my old blog. So if you want to read all the old stuff here it is:
You can also read this new blog at my website
Yes, I´m from Sweden, so why do I write this in english? Well, I dont see why just my swedish fellows should be able to read about my days at work. And it is good training.
Bye for now.