On thursday I met one of Kalmar FFs new player Abiola Dauda. Two years ago he was heading for Nigerias U17-national footballteam (soccer). He missed that chance tho, but his agent i Nigeria thouht that the best choice for Abiola to take was to move to Europe. And he did. An august night in 2006 he arrived to the Swedish city Sölvesborg. There he stayed until this winter and now he plays for Kalmar FF. He´s amazed by the way we northen people interact with each other.
- In Nigeria we all care about each other and we talk and mingle, but in Sweden everyone is on their own. It´s hard to acclimatize to that way of a living, Abiola says. And he is right of course. We northen folks ARE more of a looner kind. Perhaps its the darkness in the winter time, in the summers were having barbecues and partys all weeks but in the winters, oh´boy were locking ourselfs in.
He was a pretty cool guy, Abi. Amagine yourself in that situation. As a 18-years old boy moving to the other side of the world, to a place were no one speaks your language ! On your own. Brave I think.

Abiola Dauda
Enough for now, pouring up a whiskey.
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