Just found this wonderful thing at Rob Galbraith´s page.
A case full of history. Just think of the thrill if you were the person who opened the case.
Robert Capa´s long lost negatives from the spanish civil war, hidden in what called "the Mexican suitcase" has now been discovered. The negatives have been gone since Capa fled europe prior to the nazi invasion. And now their found, in Mexico City. Wow. What a trip.
The New York Times featuring a story about "The Capa Cashe" and you can also find a slideshow containing some of the negatives from the case.
Maybe this negatives can give us the truth about whether Robert Capa´s most famous picture "The Falling Soldier" is staged or not.
Good night, time to sleep.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Weekends work

For once it was a nice and wellbalanced weekend at work this time. Just four assignments, use to be like 10-13 or so. Of course it was time for some floorball, a visit to the Natural Resource Programme of Helgesbo, where it as you can read here rained as... Sunday called for a game of basketball and we also went on a manifest for the victims of the holocaust. I think it´s important that we don´t forget the holocaust and yet there where only like 30 people on the manisfest. Strange.

Nicholas and his girlfriend gave the
victimes of the holocaust a thought on sundays manifest in Kalmar.
Floorball: Färjestadens IBK-Pixbo Wallenstam

Färjestadens IBK´s Marcus Johansson being striked down by a
Pixbo Wallenstam-player. Färjestadens IBK lost the game by 3-4.

Also Johan Nilsson, FIBK, went to the floor after a Pixbo-player struck him down right
infront of the Pixbo Wallenstam´s goalkeeper. The judge did not blow his whistle.

FIBK´s Kim Nilssons puts the ball in the net, but...

the judge blows his whistle because of something that happened 10 seconds earlier,
FIBK´s goalkeeper (member of the Swedish national team) Anders Bremervik is furious.
Basketball: KFUM Kalmar Saints-Kvarnby

KFUM Kalmar Saints lost their game against Kvarnby
with 82-94. Here it is KFUM-player Viktor Faleström that
tries to pass thro Kvarnby´s defence.
The Natural Resource Programme of Helgesbo

Emma Gullin and her best friend Nimbus showed their skills as parents and future
students visited The nature resource program at the school of Helgesbo.

Kennert Dahlström guiding parents around the facilty, in the rain.
OK, that was some of this weekends pictures. Now I´m going for one more week of parental leave. A whole week to spend with my two-year old son. Wonderful !
Sunday, January 27, 2008

Foto: Sofie Isaksson/NA
It have rained all day it seems like, and even snowed for a half an our or so. A few years ago, 2006 I think it was, Sofie Isaksson (Nerikes Allehanda) did an audio slideshow about the flooding of Småland after days of raining. You will find it here.
Småland have been afflicted by flooding several times over the past years.
OK, it´s saturday evening and I have som candy at the table, here it is:

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Wet, wet, wet-You never learn

After this assigment I come of thinking about the old popgroup wet wet wet, I didn´t like them.
Now I´ve been on parental leave for two weeks and this weekend it´s my turn to work. The first assignment was to visit the Natural Resource Programme at Helgesbo, Mönsterås. A school in the middle of the forests of nowhere. And I went there with my brown low skin shoes ! STUPID. That I never learn. The rain was poring down from the dark sky, (ISO 800, f4,0 and 1/30sec the meeter said, at 11.54 ! The middle of the day) and the pool of water got deeper and deeper for every minute that went on. Where ever you went there was mud, mud, mud and some more mud.
Oh, my poor little shoes...
But the assignment was quit fun actually.
The power went down in the buildings also. Absolutly dark. The kids got blind as my strobe went off. Sorry !
Now I have to work, will be back.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Alex Majoli

This is a rather old feature but I kind of like it and I watch it now and then.
CAPTURING THE CRYING WORLD is a two minute long interview with italian-born Alex Majoli. Along with stunning pictures Alex gives us his thoughts about covering the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Powerful multimedia by Marcus Bleasdale

Foto: Marcus Bleasdale/VII
If you don´t allready seen Marcus Bleasdale´s images about the vast situation in Congo you must see them pronto! MediaStorm has published a really powerful multimedia piece that contains Marcus´s work and an interview with Marcus. Almost 5.5 million people have been killed in Congo since 1998. That makes the war in Congo the deadliest war in the world today.
Marcus Bleasdale has spent eight years covering the conflict within the borders of the Democratic Republic of Congo. He has won first prizes in both POY and NPPA. Marcus is represented by VII.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Rebuilding my underwater gear
It´s time to start working on my projekt about UV-rugby (that I wrote about here) again. But before I jump in the water I must rebuild my underwater housing. The fiberoptic cable to the flash unit did not work that good last time I was there. It jumped off causing the flash to fail. I dont really know how I should do but the problem is to be solved. I will get back to this.

Saturday, January 19, 2008
20.000 images in one slideshow !
Twenty days, twenty thousand still images and one message. Photographer Lucas Oleniuk at Toronto Star used twenty thousand (!!) pictures to create a video in wich he captures the issue of global warming. Watch the amazing video here.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Carolyn Cole coming to Stockholm
Yes, she´s coming to Sweden. Carolyn (staff pj for the Los Angeles Times) is going to speak at the Swedish Picture of the Year award-ceremoni in Stockholm in march. She´s one of the best. Last year she won 1st in The Best Of Photojournalism 2007, she won the Pulitzer Prize in 2004, and almost won POY in 2007, and so on. You know the rest. See some of her pictures here
3,5 days
Monday, tuesday, wendsday and thursd...No, I did not manage to let the camera stay in the bag for more than three and a halv days this time. I´m in for three more weeks of parental leave. Today I took the cam with me to the park with my son Jonathan. We had a great time watching the animals and running around the park.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
What to do? Quantity instead of quality

Hanna Johansson, Färjestadens IBK manage to do a hat trick in
saturdays game against Göteborg.
What to do? I need some help to solve this problem:
It´getting more and more common that we smallmarket PJ´s is pushed to do our work in a few minutes and move on to another job. (6-10 jobs/day isn´t unusually) Upon that we´re also supposed to bring home some content to the webeditor. Perhaps some audio too. Our job has suddenly multipIyed by four, still photo, video shooting, gathering sound and publish a slideshow.
I don´t want to sound bitter, but I am tired in the smaller newspapers way of letting there journalist produce quantity instead of quality. As you already know I work on a small newspaper. Theres nothing unusually about our paper, we do what all thoose papers do in general, we´re filling up the sheets with articles done by phone in about five och six minutes or so, sending out a photographer to take a mugshot on some politician whitch said something "intressting". The "portrait" shall be done in 15-minutes, transport to and from location included, then the photographer should be on there way to the next job. Quantity is the word ! Quality?
-Eh, it´s just a picture, we just need to fill this empty space, the editor says.
I love to do and to watch audio soundslides, and after going on a slideshow-workshop (actually two) with the Swedish PJ Lars Dareberg I launched this idea of doing thoose audio slideshows to our CEO and our chiefeditor. They were thrilled about the content and off course we should have audio slideshows on the web. I gave them my hand and they took half my body, it seems. Now we are supposed to do slideshows frequently, but without sounds cause editing the sound takes to much time...Oh, I´m getting so tired. Here is some of the slideshows me and my collegues have published.
OK, I think many of you recognizes this problem. What have you done to manage this problem?
What can we do to get around this? Any propositions?
If you´re Swedish you can comment i swedish, it´s OK.
In the meantime, here´s some pictures from the weekends work.

Slätafly Flyers lost their game against Älvstranden with 2-12.

An arson occured in Nässjasjömåla this weekend.
Fortunately nobody where at home when the fire started.

Monday, January 14, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Abiola Dauda
On thursday I met one of Kalmar FFs new player Abiola Dauda. Two years ago he was heading for Nigerias U17-national footballteam (soccer). He missed that chance tho, but his agent i Nigeria thouht that the best choice for Abiola to take was to move to Europe. And he did. An august night in 2006 he arrived to the Swedish city Sölvesborg. There he stayed until this winter and now he plays for Kalmar FF. He´s amazed by the way we northen people interact with each other.
- In Nigeria we all care about each other and we talk and mingle, but in Sweden everyone is on their own. It´s hard to acclimatize to that way of a living, Abiola says. And he is right of course. We northen folks ARE more of a looner kind. Perhaps its the darkness in the winter time, in the summers were having barbecues and partys all weeks but in the winters, oh´boy were locking ourselfs in.
He was a pretty cool guy, Abi. Amagine yourself in that situation. As a 18-years old boy moving to the other side of the world, to a place were no one speaks your language ! On your own. Brave I think.

Abiola Dauda
Enough for now, pouring up a whiskey.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Last photos of Benazir Bhutto
New York Times has published an audio slideshow with pictures and speach from John Moore, Getty Images. Watch the slideshow at New York Times website.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
My Idea-bank is emty, or?
This week we have had nothing to do at the photodepartment on the newspaper. Some football (soccer) where played at monday evening. Outside, at a temperature of 2 degrees celcius (35,6 fahrenheit, 271,15 Kelvin) and strong wind from the seaside. Lucky for me I had a hamburger to shew on and that held me warm for at least ten minutes.
Yesterday it was time to meet up with the local model-railroad guy. He was cool. He had like 1700 model trains and over 30000 little plastic figures, like soldiers, railroad workers and policeforces. All hand-painted by Robert himself ! Unfortunately he did not allowed us to take pictures that showed just this huge amount of models because of the risk that it will be stolen. Well, I dont know. Thats a petty. I cant publich any pictures yet but it will come.
I´ve bought me a new phone: Sonyericsson P1i, its difficult to send SMS and MSS because the letters are not at its usual places. Otherwise it seems to be nice. It can do all kinds of stuff, it might even be able to fix me a drink one day...
Ok, what about the website?
I just added three new galleries at the website. The new ones are: People, news and sports. The work progresses slowly but firm. Soon it will be ready for vernisage, with champange of course !
You will find the galleries HERE
Some pics from Kalmar FFs first training of the year. It´s Kalmar FFs new brazilian player Marcel Silva Sacramento who´s trying to warm up his muscles in the cold weather.

Yesterday it was time to meet up with the local model-railroad guy. He was cool. He had like 1700 model trains and over 30000 little plastic figures, like soldiers, railroad workers and policeforces. All hand-painted by Robert himself ! Unfortunately he did not allowed us to take pictures that showed just this huge amount of models because of the risk that it will be stolen. Well, I dont know. Thats a petty. I cant publich any pictures yet but it will come.
I´ve bought me a new phone: Sonyericsson P1i, its difficult to send SMS and MSS because the letters are not at its usual places. Otherwise it seems to be nice. It can do all kinds of stuff, it might even be able to fix me a drink one day...
Ok, what about the website?
I just added three new galleries at the website. The new ones are: People, news and sports. The work progresses slowly but firm. Soon it will be ready for vernisage, with champange of course !
You will find the galleries HERE
Some pics from Kalmar FFs first training of the year. It´s Kalmar FFs new brazilian player Marcel Silva Sacramento who´s trying to warm up his muscles in the cold weather.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Are you a Lightroom user ?
Are you one of all the lucky ones using the amazing Adobe Photoshop Lightroom? In just about one year Lightroom has taken the world with surprise. It is so much faster than Photoshop and since I dont do that much with my pictures in the computer I dont need all the little wizards inside photoshop CS. I prefer the fastness of Lightroom.
Well, Matt Kloskowski at the blog Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Killer Tips posted a nice and funny entry at his blog. Its a lookback at the wonderful product.
Read Matt Kloskowskis lookback here.
Enough for now. Happy new year everyone!
Well, Matt Kloskowski at the blog Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Killer Tips posted a nice and funny entry at his blog. Its a lookback at the wonderful product.
Read Matt Kloskowskis lookback here.
Enough for now. Happy new year everyone!