Ser ut som jag får åka ensam till Årets Bild-helgen, trist att bila själv. Måste hem på lördagen och det gick inga passande flyg så det blir som sagt att bila upp. Skall bli kul hursomhelst. Ser fram emot att lyssna på Carolyn Cole. Idag har jag i sista minuten anmält mig till middagen.
Någon längs E22:an som skall dit i bil?
Friday, February 29, 2008
New site about photojournalism
Today it´s premier for a brand new swedish website about photojournalism. Read it at
It´s the swedish PJ´s Adam Haglund, Lina Haskel, Linda Forsell and Pawel Flato that runs the news site. It´s going to be really thrilling to follow there work with the content.
It´s in swedish though.
Congratulations to Adam, Lina, Pawel and Linda.
Got to work now, tomorrow I´m going to Karlskrona for the fourth event in the swedish eurovision son contest.
It´s the swedish PJ´s Adam Haglund, Lina Haskel, Linda Forsell and Pawel Flato that runs the news site. It´s going to be really thrilling to follow there work with the content.
It´s in swedish though.
Congratulations to Adam, Lina, Pawel and Linda.
Got to work now, tomorrow I´m going to Karlskrona for the fourth event in the swedish eurovision son contest.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Spring is on the way

A sure sign of spring, isn´t it?

Two of the rally-guys, Morgan and Martin Eriksson. The job hasn´t
run in the paper yet so I cant publish the rest of the pictures, but I might
do so later.

I got na nanana...Slätafly Flyers Andeas Svedestam telling one
of the players in Engelholm with his eyes.
I´ve had a busy week, therefore such few posts...
This weekend was strange, I just had eight jobs to do, six on saturday and two on sunday, never the less it got really stressful. On saturday I was going to shoot two floorball-games but I just didn´t manage to get it in the timetable...I only shot the last period in the game Slätafly-Engelholm (Division 1) and the second period at the game Färjestadens IBK-AIK (Elitserien). I dont like that, its no chance you can give a fair image of the games output on thoose 20 minutes of play...
Well, I´m not going to sound bitter! I love my work.
Where was I? Oh, the spring is on its way! How do I know? We went on a grass-fire this weekend, isn´t that a sign of spring? I´m longing for some nice, warm weather! The sun in my face! 1/500 at f16 and so on! Love it!
We also did a thing about three brothers, well, only two of them showed up, that are driving Volvo orginal Rally. They were funny, they had the whole garden full of old Volvo´s. And offcourse there garage also was filled with cars and junk.
Ok, that was my weekend in a short version, now I am going out in the garden to play with my son Jonathan, cause I´m in for three weeks of parental leave again, NICE!
Well, it´s not all true, next saturday I and my collegue Anna going to Karlskrona for one of the selection events in European Song Contest. And I´m also going to do a bigger reportage from some childcare-center in Kalmar.
Bye for now...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Photo: Gregers Tycho/Jyllands-Posten
I found this audio slideshow at Jyllands-Postens website.
It´s about the danish rockband Dúné. Jyllands-Postens photographer Gregers Tycho have followed the band as they going on tour from their homes in the danish village Skive to Berlin and Los Angeles. I have never heard of them before, but I like the song in the slideshow. My left leg starts to kick the floor...(?) :)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Knuckle-dusters, did you know...

ÅkeSandberg holding an old lawbook.

A bullit found in a murderers wifes head.

An old knuckle-duster made in led. Unusual
murderweapon. The foot-cuffs in the back were
once stolen from Åkes locker in Kalmar
District Court, later on the police found them
in a stolen car in Malmö, in the very south of
Sweden. Why steel a pair of old cuffs?, unless...

Åke Sandberg holding an old gun that been i
nvolved in a murder in the 1920´s.
This man, Åke Sandberg, just loves to be in the paper. He works at Kalmar District Court. He´s a frequent contributer (?) in our paper. Once he manage to get us lost in the forests outside Kalmar. It took us ours to find our car again.
But this week it was time to talk about old crimes and forensic evidence of all kind. Åke just loved it ! He talked and talked and talked some more! And I only had like 25 minutes to listen, then I was of to the next job, thats how we work, insane I think but thats another story.
Did you know that the knuckle-duster is not really a weapon, NO, Åke told me that it was the butchers that skins the animals that originally used the knuckle-duster. I for one did not know this. Then, at the saturday-dances, the butchers took the knuckledusters with them to the parks and the dancefloors to fight eachother...You allways learn something...
Lars Dareberg´s Tough Guy-audio slideshow

Photo: Lars Dareberg/Sydsvenskan
Dont miss Lars Dareberg´s audio slideshow about "Tough Guy" and thoose crazy men and women running through ice-cold water, fire, mud and barb wire fences in England. See it NOW !
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Weekends pictures
Here is a few of the weekends pictures from Kalmar. I´m feeling a bit ill, catched a cold I think.
Time for some Single malt, Irish of course. That will cure me.

For the last time this year Anders Brandel, left, and Ingemar Berntsson puts on
the makeup before they enter the stage on Kalmar Theatre, giving the audience
one last chance to see the new years revue.

Linda Corneliusson, left, getting some tips from Bodil Göransson how to recycle old
chlothes. Linda did a biggin, a scarf and a pair of leg-warmers from an old sweatshirt.

Lena Björkman, also a participant in the recycle-workshop at Byteatern, was ripping
up her old jeans, doing a bag.

KFUM Kalmar Saints new acquisition Henok Yigsaw scores against Sandra.
Kalmar Saints won the game with 67-66.
Time for some Single malt, Irish of course. That will cure me.

For the last time this year Anders Brandel, left, and Ingemar Berntsson puts on
the makeup before they enter the stage on Kalmar Theatre, giving the audience
one last chance to see the new years revue.

Linda Corneliusson, left, getting some tips from Bodil Göransson how to recycle old
chlothes. Linda did a biggin, a scarf and a pair of leg-warmers from an old sweatshirt.

Lena Björkman, also a participant in the recycle-workshop at Byteatern, was ripping
up her old jeans, doing a bag.

KFUM Kalmar Saints new acquisition Henok Yigsaw scores against Sandra.
Kalmar Saints won the game with 67-66.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Etiskt dilemma i bildjournalistiken
På Lars Darebergs eminenta blogg har en intensiv debatt funnit sin dager. Den handlar om och har sin grund i bildmanipulationens värld. Fotografer och bildjournalister runt om i världen har spridda åsikter om vad som räknas som manipulation.
Själv anser jag (dock en knivig fråga) att man får utföra sådant som man med lätthet gjorde i mörkrummet, dvs efterbelysa, pjatta, färgkorrigera och jobba med kontraster. Att använda photoshops, eller andra programvarors filter måste väl räknas som manipulation, borträknat brusreducering och skärpa.
Christer Höglund, fd Årets bild-boss, har för PFK Svealands räkning fått i uppdrag att ta fram en formulering av reglerna kring bildredigering. Som han själv säger på Darebergs blog, ingen lätt nöt att knäcka. Nä, jag håller med, måste vara svårt, men i motsats till Christer, om jag inte missuppfattat hans inlägg, tycket jag inte att det är bildmanipulation att mörka eller ljusa upp kanter eller delar i en bild.
Jenny Maria skriver att vi genom att ändra mättnaden i färger, mörka och ljusa bilden mm, ändrar upplevelsen av bilden och därmed lurar läsaren/betraktaren, missförsår jag dig, Jenny? Det tillhör väl ändå vårt jobb att förmedla en känsla till läsaren, att få betraktaren att känna för innehållet i bilden, och för att uppnå den känsla vi vill förmedla, och säkert kände själva vid fototillfället, måste vi utföra viss bildredigering, t ex riktningsverkan genom att efterbelysa vissa områden i bilden, kanske till och med mörka ned så mycket att någonting i ytterkanten försvinner i svärtan. Det måste väl vara skillnad på att efterbelysa och klippa (klona) bort någonting?
Jag ser fram emot PFK´s förslag, som sagt ingen lätt uppgift.
Själv anser jag (dock en knivig fråga) att man får utföra sådant som man med lätthet gjorde i mörkrummet, dvs efterbelysa, pjatta, färgkorrigera och jobba med kontraster. Att använda photoshops, eller andra programvarors filter måste väl räknas som manipulation, borträknat brusreducering och skärpa.
Christer Höglund, fd Årets bild-boss, har för PFK Svealands räkning fått i uppdrag att ta fram en formulering av reglerna kring bildredigering. Som han själv säger på Darebergs blog, ingen lätt nöt att knäcka. Nä, jag håller med, måste vara svårt, men i motsats till Christer, om jag inte missuppfattat hans inlägg, tycket jag inte att det är bildmanipulation att mörka eller ljusa upp kanter eller delar i en bild.
Jenny Maria skriver att vi genom att ändra mättnaden i färger, mörka och ljusa bilden mm, ändrar upplevelsen av bilden och därmed lurar läsaren/betraktaren, missförsår jag dig, Jenny? Det tillhör väl ändå vårt jobb att förmedla en känsla till läsaren, att få betraktaren att känna för innehållet i bilden, och för att uppnå den känsla vi vill förmedla, och säkert kände själva vid fototillfället, måste vi utföra viss bildredigering, t ex riktningsverkan genom att efterbelysa vissa områden i bilden, kanske till och med mörka ned så mycket att någonting i ytterkanten försvinner i svärtan. Det måste väl vara skillnad på att efterbelysa och klippa (klona) bort någonting?
Jag ser fram emot PFK´s förslag, som sagt ingen lätt uppgift.
17 years!
This gentleman, Per Jarlbo, has now finished his book about all the streets in the city of Kalmar, after 17 years! He himself is the author to all theese streetnames. He has named allmost every street in this town. I wanted to portrait him at the foot of his favorite street, Kaggensgatan, at the top of the 17:th century city defence-wall (is that really the right word to use?) The man i 82 years old and he climbed thoose old stone stairs as he was just about my age, (32) impressive I think.
Friday, February 08, 2008
Rasmussen, Guttenfelder, Platt...

Photo: Espen Rasmussen
On World Press Photo´s webpage you can find interviews with the winners from 2007. The interviews was filmed at the award days in Amsterdam. The photographers tells us the stories behind their winning pictures. Here´s the page.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Picture Of the Year 2008
Here´s the nominees for the Swedish Picture of the year 2008.
You can read more about the swedish POY here.
Congratulations everyone ! Maybe I get to meet you at the award-ceremony. Would be fun!
- Maj-Lis Andersen, frilans
- Andreas Bardell, Aftonbladet
- Lars Brundin, Sydsvenskan
- Henrik Brunnsgård, frilans.
- Peter Claesson, frilans
- Åke Ericson, frilans
- Marc Femenia, frilans
- Linda Forsell, Kontinent
- Magnus Hallgren, Dagens Nyheter
- Anders Hansson, Kontinent
- Krister Hansson, Aftonbladet
- Robert Henriksson, frilans
- Casper Hedberg, Kontinent
- Torbjörn Jakobsson, Västerbottens-Kuriren
- Leif Jäderberg, Gefle Dagblad
- Jeppe Gustafsson, Östgöta Correspondenten
- Paul Hansen, Dagens Nyheter
- Jonas Lindkvist, Dagens Nyheter
- Lars Lindqvist, frilans
- Thomas Löfqvist, Sydsvenskan.
- Karl Melander, frilans
- Tord Olsson, Östgöta Correspondenten
- Håkan Risberg, Nerikes Allehanda
- Åsa Sjöström, Sydsvenskan
- Martin von Krogh, WpN
- Magnus Wennman, Aftonbladet
- Staffan Widstrand, frilans
- Jimmy Wixtröm, Aftonbladet
You can read more about the swedish POY here.
Congratulations everyone ! Maybe I get to meet you at the award-ceremony. Would be fun!
Monday, February 04, 2008
Audio slideshows

At last I´ve fixed the links that didn´t work on some of the audio slideshows on my webpage. They´re OK now. I also publsihed a new (an old one in fact) slideshow about the Swedish Premier league-game between Kalmar FF and AIK. So go ahead and watch them. All speach is in Swedish, sorry.
Click here and I warp you to the slideshows...
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Parental care

My son Jonathan playing in the livingroom.
On monday I start working again after three weeks home with my son Jonathan.
He´s been sick this week. It´s allways a tough job staying home and taking care of your children. Wonderful, funny and inspiring! But it´s HARD WORK! I just cant keep up with his speed, he drags out five things from their places in the shelves, I put them back, and before I have turned around he have pulled out ten more things for me to clear up. And he laughs. Are they not cute?
On this parental care-theme the Swedish photojournalist Roger Thuresson did an audio slideshow. You find it here.
Think I´m going to get some sleep now. Bye for now.